Academic programming
Risen Christ Christian Academy offers a welcoming, stimulating environment that cultivates your child’s independence, self-esteem and social & academic potential, with an individualized curriculum that will lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.
At Risen Christ, you can complete your education from 18 months through 12th Grade.

Child Development Center (Ages 18 months – 4 years old)
We are fully licensed through the state of South Carolina. Our Child Development Center (CDC) accepts children ages 18 months – 4 years. We offer individual rooms according to age level, and each room is fully staffed with an appropriate teacher to student ratio. Our CDC offers Full Day Child Care and Pre-K 3 and 4 programs and is committed to meeting the specific needs of each child.
We are open all year, from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm M-F. Safety is our number one priority for students, so everything is computerized and highly monitored. Our teachers are all background checked and certified.
Learning is through a play based curriculum based approach. We offer religion time, art and music, and field trips throughout the year to area educational venues. All students attend chapel once a week (starting at age 4.) Students in our CDC program may be involved in our Christmas program, as we write parts specifically for them. All students in our CDC program are welcomed in our safe and loving environment.
Kindergarten Through 8 Grade
In grades K-8, there are five core subjects that are taught: Math, Science, Social Studies, ELA and Religion. Instruction also includes reading, writing, spelling and grammar. Enrichment classes change according to semester, but may include art, music, PE, Spanish and technology. Additional programing is added annually. Lunch, recess and breaks are included in each daily schedule.
Each student receives their own laptop (Chromebook or HP.) The laptops are used on site, and have high internet security to ensure safety and good study and learning habits. All curriculum for K-8 meets SC state standards.
We offer multi-graded classrooms, mainly because we want to group students together according to their learning ability. This offers students the opportunity to receive the quality education they need and deserve, while offering a challenge or match with their individual pace.
Small class sizes are maintained to provide an individualized instruction as needed. The average class size is 12-15 students per room.

High School (9-12 Grade)
Our High School offers a curricular program that serves academic and skill based needs. We also offer AP courses, PSAT, ACT, and SAT training, as well as incorporate time management with each student. We pride our school on having a continually high graduation rate and exceptional test scores.
Our high school program is operated completely online, allowing students to broaden their academic experience. We use a highly academic, nationally recognized and respected platform for all online courses. We are also dually accredited. Risen Christ offers the only online classes that are accepted by the Naval Academy.
By offering the high school online, students are motivated to do work from both the classroom and at home, while still being able to maintain jobs and hobbies. We believe this helps prepare them for developing strong skills and habits for when they go to college and beyond. Each classroom is equipped with a learning coach and an onsite classroom teacher to provide educational support and to make sure students are maintaining assignments and deadlines or need one-on-one help.
+ After School Care
We offer convenient after school care programs for Kindergarten through 5 grade students. Please contact us for details.
After School Activities
- The Afterschool program runs Monday – Friday from 3:15 – 5:30 pm and includes: homework time, snacks, movies, crafts, games and outdoor playtime
- Programs are offered each semester as after school clubs dependent on students’ interests. Clubs range from technology to athletics to dance and Karate.
- Extracurricular activities rotate and typically include: art, dance, martial arts, golf, competitive athletics, robotics, digital photography, spelling bees and private music instruction
+ International Students
- Risen Christ has been granted permission through the Department of Homeland Security to issue F1 International Education visas to students wanting to receive an education and diploma from an American institution.
- Visas are available for students grades K-12

Christian Education
Spiritual life is a part of every day at RCCA. Each day begins and ends with prayer. Students experience Bible stories and songs as weekly Chapel services. Conversations about God will support children’s inquisitiveness and their faith development as well-rounded students. We offer mentoring and multi-age classrooms that allow for a small teacher to student ratio. This allows for differential teaching based on a child’s educational needs.
Classes in religion are taught at every level, and our high school students are required to have Theology credit for graduation. Chapel is held on Wednesday mornings. It is dedicated time set for the specific purpose of praising, worshipping and honoring God. Chapel is led by our pastor and the staff, and individual classes often involves student participation. Our chapel services may include a small liturgy, Bible readings, offerings, singing and a short message. Students are recognized monthly in chapel for the “Fruit of the Spirit” award, which is based on Galatians 5:22-23.
Service to community is part of our spiritual life as well. High school students are involved in community service hours yearly. Our chapel offerings support missionary endeavors in the US and all around the world. Individual classes may take on service activities. Our students get involved with the local North Strand Helping Hand food pantry with a canned food drive, for example.

National Lutheran Accreditation
National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) encourages and recognizes Lutheran schools that provide quality Christian education and engage in continuous improvement. It is completely voluntary and is available for every school operated by a single congregation, by an association of congregations or by a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
NLSA serves a variety of levels of schools; early childhood, elementary and high schools and all combinations of the aforementioned. It helps Lutheran schools evaluate their academic quality and the spiritual dimension of the school.
The standards report forms are similar to other accrediting processes, both secular and religious.

South Carolina Independent School Association
The South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) is a non-profit voluntary association of independent schools. Founded in 1965, the State of South Carolina Incorporated the SCISA as an exclusively educational organization, with responsibilities to establish accreditation standards, coordinate athletic and academic competition and raise funds for member organizations.
SCISA provides a structure within which members can learn from other schools through networking, awareness and communication. Best practices are shared among members along with expertise and data collected by the Association. In this sense, SCISA gives unity and strength to the cause of independent education. The Association also monitors legislation, speaks on behalf of the cause through the media, legislature and elected officials.
The governing authority of SCISA is a Board of Director, consisting of a representative from each member school and six Directors-at-Large. Officers of the SCISA are a Chairman of the Board, a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and Treasurer.
SCISA membership provides Risen Christ an opportunity to compete and participate in a wide range of sporting and academic events, including the following:
- Track
- Cross Country
- Football
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Baseball
- Volleyball
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Shooting Sports
- Golf
- State Archery
- Bowling
- Cheer
- Equestrian Hunt Seat
- Art & Photography
- Science Fair
- State Spelling Bee
- Battle of the Books – HS
- Battle of the Books – LS/MS
- Camp Leopold – Jr. High Leadership
- Chess – Elementary & MS
- Chess – HS
- Choral Clinic
- Dance Competition
- Debate
- Drama Festival
- Literary Meet
- Math Meet – HS
- Math Meet – MS
- Music Festival
- PEAK Sr. High Team Building & Leadership Dev. Day
- Quiz Bowl – HS
- Quiz Bowl – LS
- Quiz Bowl – MS
- Robotics Competition